On 10/06/2012 04:46 PM, James wrote:
Says someone who evidently has never built, submitted or tested 'doc'
patches for LP.

Er ... yes, I have. Actually my objections to having to use git-cl were based on my experience of trying to submit a simple, small doc patch that I'd built and tested. It felt a rather hefty and complicated amount of stuff to do compared to simply emailing someone a set of patches, or submitting a merge request on GitHub.

I think you perception of what we do and why is skewed.

Well, I can see that it's important to test that doc patches _build_ OK, but I don't see how the code test suite is relevant to documentation. But I'm sorry if I've overlooked something here.

So does poorly submitted documentation suggestions, but hey.. *anyone*
can write documentation right? With clear understanding, good syntax,
spelling, sentence structure and oh and good lilypond examples.

... but as you and I both know, writing correct TeXinfo that builds without error is not quite so simple. I do know what that entails, and I do ensure that any patches I submit build correctly.

If I've missed some important aspect of testing which _is_ relevant to docs, then I apologize. But I don't think Janek's idea that it should be possible to simplify doc submissions is wrong.

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