
On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 11:34 AM, James <pkx1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How is a web interface easier than email to enter information?

I should've been more specific.  I meant a web interface that would
not only allow entering information, but also handle the patch - a
formal patch, not just a suggestion.
Take github for example: anyone, even if they see a project and git
for the first time, can click "make a fork", navigate to specific
file, write changes using web interface, make a commit (a formal
commit, not just a verbal description of changes - to do this
currently you need git or LilyDev), send a pull request.  Project
maintainer looks at the request (this is the review part), accepts it,
and voila! Done.
Of course our workflow is slightly different, but i could imagine a
tool that would show users actual doc files, allow them to make
changes to them, create a commit and put it for review.

> And being vague in an email vs vague on a website is different how?

If you're writing an email with a /suggestion/, you can write "i think
that there should be information about x, y z, blah blah because of
something, but i'm not sure what the wording should be".  That's
vague.  If you open a .texi file with appropriate doc section, and
have to write *actual changes to the real file*, you cannot be vague.
Noone in their right mind would put for a review a patch that adds
vague sentences to the actual doc files, like "there should be
information about x here, y is confusing".

I hope this is more clear now.


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