On 2012/10/01 23:34:39, MikeSol wrote:
I think a user should be able to use Kievan notation and normal
stems/flags/beams if she so chooses. I'll define something like


and then use it in the documentation.

I still see some issues with this. As written now in stem.cc, when the
style property of NoteHead is set to kievan, the stems are not "normal".
In this case, it is not clear what Kievan notation with "normal
stems/flags/beams" would look like. At best, there would be no stems and
beams flat across the center of the staff. Or, something like

\relative c' {
   \override NoteHead #'style = #'kievan
   a'8[ bes]

gives the warning "weird stem size, check for narrow beams".

Also, because the calculation of the duration log moves to
note-head::calc-kievan-duration-log, something like

\relative c' {
   \override NoteHead #'style = #'kievan

produces the wrong NoteHead stencil (a quarter note instead of an eighth

If we implement the patch as written, Kievan note heads outside of the
KievanVoice context wouldn't make sense. I'm not altogether opposed to
that (I see no real reason to not use KievanVoice), but it seems like a
"policy" issue, as it would make Kievan notation different from how
other ancient notations are handled.


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