Werner LEMBERG <wl <at> gnu.org> writes:

> > I did not hear any serious desire to allow both \f and \F as
> > distinct.
> Ugh, it seems that you haven't read my strong objections a few hours
> ago.

You mostly objected to LilyPond /ignoring/ case, for reasons that made sense.

I guess you did say:

> the numbers of short user-definable abbreviations gets halved.
> Something like
>       F = \markup { "Horn in F" }
> would no longer be possible because \f is already in use.

Some users can, of course, continue to define F as you have above, 
while LilyPond suggest \f to users who type \F without first defining F.

> > In the troublesome case, when both \f and \F are defined, LilyPond
> > would have to count on the user to type the correct case, but we
> > would separately try to avoid depending on such distinctions
> Please no heuristics.

By "we" I meant us humans in charge of the software.  We humans would avoid 
choosing names like keySignature and KeySignature distinguished only by case.

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