On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling
<joseph.wakel...@webdrake.net> wrote:
> On 03/09/12 14:18, David Kastrup wrote:
>> I don't have a good answer here, and I am not particularly happy with
>> suggesting that the work I end up doing will not likely be shaped much
>> by committee or community decisions but rather mostly by my own
>> conscience and programmer instincts.  Which, in turn, are shaped by the
>> perceived needs of the community.
> Would it be better in this respect if, instead of proposing syntax changes
> (which are easily problematic if done without sufficient knowledge of how
> the parser and lexer work), we collaborated on defining the _problem_ with
> sufficient rigour?  That is, identifying what the syntax needs to achieve
> and how the current syntax fails.

I think i have to stop talking about my ideas all the time.
I'll take a break and focus on defining problems.

> Then, once the problem _is_ rigorously defined and agreed upon, you and the
> others who understand the technical issues could propose a solution, and we
> could provide feedback in terms of usability, whether it actually _does_
> solve the problem we face and so on, and so evolve towards a solution.


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