Janek Warchoł <janek.lilypond <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I think that for the next several weeks we should focus on gathering
> information about the /problems/ people have.  Not the ideas for
> solutions.  Problems.
> For example,
>   "in { a \parenthesize b \mf c d } it's confusing what gets
> parenthesized and what gets mezzoforte"
> is a description of a problem, while  [...]
> is a solution.  Lets talk about problems first, then solutions.

I think I have that problem, but maybe not exactly what you mean.

Does the confusion you refer to happen more in reading (other people's) 
Lilypond input, or in writing your own Lilypond input?

I often have difficulty remembering which incantation I need to type, in 
order to set music the way I need.  Part of what I need to remember is the
order in which I need to type the commands and notes.

If I use \parenthesize, I also need to remember how to apply it to the 
note-head, or more likely the "mf" or some accent.

When working with other people's Lilypond, I just look at the output to
remember what commands mean, so I have no problem there.

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