On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM, John Mandereau
<john.mander...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That said, I
> have found no existing program for doing this, so this would require
> quite a bit of work (which I estimate as the overall amount of work that
> has been put in Patchy) for writing a program for managing changes done
> by a web code editor such as CodeMirror http://codemirror.net with Git
> branches, including a feature to submit work on Gerrit.

FWIW, Google project hosting allows both reviewing changes on a per
commit base, as well as creating commits using a web interface.  I've
played with it a bit; unfortunately some features seem to be partially
supported yet.  To get a better view we'd have to try using it for
actual work.

> As for LilyPond code, I second David's reply: the quality that submitted
> patches should have requires a level of technical skills and motivation
> such that installing LilyDev or generally setting up a development
> environment for LilyPond should not be a significant barrier.

Yes.  But it'd be perfect for "i found a typo" patches.


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