Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwenn <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I am actually supportive of allowing digits in identifiers, it has
> irked me for years that we could not get it to work. I vaguely recall
> you implemented this in 2.16 already, but I guess I am mistaken?

If we abuse the syntax, we can write

  "vn1M4m342" = gis''1
  \new Staff { $vn1M4m342 }

Several of us have experimented with the lexer to allow \vn1M4m342
to avoid unusual use of '$'.  
(It is slightly more complicated now that we have '-' and '_' in variable 
names; we must forbid digits immediately after punctuation.)

The challenge is to allow the definition without the "" double-quotes.
Currently the parser has the lexer in 'notemode' when scanning at top-level,
vn1M4m342 starts with a pattern that could be a note, and it is difficult to 
know when to expect notes when the syntax allows

  \afterGrace dis2 cisis8 "vn1M4m342" = gis''1

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