Hi James, 2012/8/27 James <pkx1...@gmail.com>: > I tried to use these changes this morning - there were 3 patches all > at new - while it all ran as normal there were a couple of things I > noticed that I'd like a clarification (in case I misunderstood the > other explanations).
I tried to minimize the changes in Patchy behaviour, but one of the ones you just reported was necessary, see below. > 1. Usually when I run ./test-patchy.py it grinds through all the new > patches and creates a 'show-regtest' file that I can then view. Since > the latest change, this file is not created Whether with latest Patchy git revision on master or with the previous one you were using until yesterday, I got these show-regtests-XXXX.sh created under ~/lilypond-auto-compile-results/ If the new Patchy no longer creates such scripts, could you check in the logs in ~/lilypond-auto-compile-results/ whether Patchy crashed at a stage before getting to create this script? > 2. I also noticed that while I usually have a $LILYPOND_GIT/Build dir > on my system - I and I think Patchy have always built 'out of tree' - > I now not only had a ../build/.. but a ../build-build/.. dir Yes, now Patchy builds not only out of the source tree, but also outside of the root of the source tree. This is what allowed to make Patchy pass for me on issue 2719, whereas on previous Patchy setup with a build directory as a subdirectory it would fail. So what you saw is an expected feature. > 3. Because of #1 and #2 above I did a ctrl-C on patchy to kill the > rest of the tests - there is no point in just doing a 'make' if I > cannot check 'make test' - You could, even without the generated shell script it should create some show-XXXX directory, but now under the same directory than the one that contains build/and build-build/ (BTW you might want to consider to have "lily-autobuild" instead of "build" in the configuration file, to avoid name confusion between build/ and build-build/). > and after than I couldn't restart patchy as > it said another instance was still in use. I realise that ctrl-C is > not a nice way to go, but usually in the past I could just re-run it > and it would seem to tidy-up after itself or before itself (depending > on your point of view) now I cannot run ./test-patchy.py. I did try to > find a 'lock' type file but was unsuccessful. To remove the locks, you should remove the line setting lock_pid in ~/.lilypond-patchy-cache and do cd $LILYPOND_GIT git branch -D test-master-lock > What I am doing for now (because it is simpler for me) is to roll back > to a previous snapshot of my LilyDev image I use, as I cannot remember > where git was before I did a git pull on ../patchy/patches/. git reflog can tell you this. However older Patchy versions break on patches like the one in issue 2719. > I'll try to get the patch tests out before I go to work today, and I > can answer any questions you might have during the day but won't be > able to test anything until I get back tonight. If you can't run the newest Patchy because of bugs or configuration issues or new puzzling undocumented behaviour, let's just sort them all out, I'm available all the day long for this until tomorrow 17:00 CET. Best, John _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel