
On 26 August 2012 16:37, John Mandereau <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> After lots of testing, debugging, and commits editions cycles, I've
> pushed many changes to Patchy in lilypond-extra master branch.  Most
> changes regard Patchy on a server and patches testing.

I tried to use these changes this morning - there were 3 patches all
at new - while it all ran as normal there were a couple of things I
noticed that I'd like a clarification (in case I misunderstood the
other explanations).

1. Usually when I run ./ it grinds through all the new
patches and creates a 'show-regtest' file that I can  then view. Since
the latest change, this file is not created
2. I also noticed that while I usually have a $LILYPOND_GIT/Build dir
on my system - I and I think Patchy have always built 'out of tree' -
I now not only had a ../build/.. but a ../build-build/.. dir
3. Because of #1 and #2 above I did a ctrl-C on patchy to kill the
rest of the tests - there is no point in just doing a 'make' if I
cannot check 'make test' - and after than I couldn't restart patchy as
it said another instance was still in use. I realise that ctrl-C is
not a nice way to go, but usually in the past I could just re-run it
and it would seem to tidy-up after itself or before itself (depending
on your point of view) now I cannot run ./ I did try to
find a 'lock' type file but was unsuccessful.

What I am doing for now (because it is simpler for me) is to roll back
to a previous snapshot of my LilyDev image I use, as I cannot remember
where git was before I did a git pull on ../patchy/patches/.

I'll try to get the patch tests out before I go to work today, and I
can answer any questions you might have during the day but won't be
able to test anything until I get back tonight.



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