
> > Is there any reason I can't manually remove the markers for the merge
> > conflict, namely the lines:
> >
> >  <<<<<<< HEAD
> >
> > =======
> >
> >>>>>>>> Function for overriding broken spanners
> If the result is the intended result, sure.  You are getting the merge
> conflict because the history introduced changes on the same lines as you
> did.  If both changes only added lines, the conflict mainly consists in
> making a decision which lines are to go first in the resulting file.
> > then continue on with the instructions I've been given:
> >
> > git rebase --continue
> Likely.

OK, I succeeded in doing this and uploaded a new patch set.  I'm going to
redo this now as I see I failed to delete two newlines...

Thank you for your assistance.

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