
> >
> > So, in this case, would I do something like:
> >
> > git pull -r
> >
> > then submit a new patch set?
> That's probably the easiest way.  You'll likely get a merge conflict
> with instructions.  Personally, I use Emacs and
> M-x smerge-ediff RET
> on the problematic file(s) for fixing the merge conflicts.  But any
> editor should do if you search for <<<<< the merge conflict marks.

OK, I get the merge conflict.

Is there any reason I can't manually remove the markers for the merge
conflict, namely the lines:

 <<<<<<< HEAD


>>>>>>> Function for overriding broken spanners

then continue on with the instructions I've been given:

git rebase --continue


(Please excuse my ignorance--working with git is quite new to me...)

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