Am 23.06.2012 11:11, schrieb Marc Hohl:
Am 23.06.2012 11:06, schrieb Benkő Pál:
hi Marc,
File scm/bar-line.scm (right):
scm/bar-line.scm:83: (define (make-colon-bar-line grob)
I'm afraid this defun doesn't match the relevant part of current


\new Staff {
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'(-2 0 2 4)
s1 \bar ":|"
Thanks for the hint! I didn't check the results with altered line positions
but I don't understand what's wrong here – IMHO the scheme stuff mimics
1:1 the code from the original definition.
that definition was changed considerably in the meantime.
I just noticed that ... sorry for that!
OK, so I'm either blind or stupid or whatever.

I tried to adapt Benkő Páls algorithm for the colon stencil; I think the scheme version calculates all values correctly, but the value for dist and center are resetted after
the calculation process.
You get dist = 1.0 at the beginning, dist = 2.0 in the loop and dist = 1.0 afterwards. After over an hour sitting in front of my computer without finding the error I'm somewhat frustrated. I think I'll dream in indentations and brackets tonight :(


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