"Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote Sunday, May 06, 2012 9:34 AM
>> Quick: tell me what you would expect without too much thinking (imagine
>> you are a naive user) from the following:
>> \new Staff <<
>>  \relative c'' { c4 d e f s1*0-\markup Oops c d e f g1 } \\
>>  \relative c' { c4 d e f <>-\markup Wow c d e f g1 }
>> That's not really a competition, is it?
> Well, that's a poor example, as neither form is needed when
> there is a string of notes or s's.  So this particular issue
> doesn't really arise in practice.
> Actually, I don't think s1*0 appears in the docs.

dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ git grep 's1\*0' Documentation
Documentation/de/extending/scheme-tutorial.itely:@{ << \music s1*0-.-> @}
Documentation/de/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Small, thicker 
stems, no time signature"
Documentation/de/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Different"
Documentation/de/notation/keyboards.itely:    e''2\p\< d''\> s1*0\!
Documentation/de/notation/pitches.itely:s1*0^\markup { B-Klarinette benutzen }
Documentation/de/notation/spacing.itely:   #{ s1*0^\markup { \typewriter 
#context } #})
Documentation/de/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/de/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/de/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/de/notation/staff.itely:    s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/de/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Flute" } }
Documentation/de/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0_\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Clar." } }
Documentation/es/extending/scheme-tutorial.itely:@{ << \music s1*0-.-> @}
Documentation/es/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Small, thicker 
stems, no time signature"
Documentation/es/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Different"
Documentation/es/notation/keyboards.itely:    e''2\p\< d''\> s1*0\!
Documentation/es/notation/pitches.itely:s1*0^\markup { Switch to B\flat 
clarinet }
Documentation/es/notation/spacing.itely:   #{ s1*0^\markup { \typewriter 
#context } #})
Documentation/es/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/es/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/es/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/es/notation/staff.itely:    s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/es/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Flute" } }
Documentation/es/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0_\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Clar." } }
Documentation/extending/scheme-tutorial.itely:@{ << \music s1*0-.-> @}
Documentation/fr/extending/scheme-tutorial.itely:@{ << \musique s1*0-.-> @}
Documentation/fr/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Small, thicker 
stems, no time signature"
Documentation/fr/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Different"
Documentation/fr/notation/keyboards.itely:    e''2\p\< d''\> s1*0\!
Documentation/fr/notation/pitches.itely:s1*0^\markup { Switch to B\flat 
clarinet }
Documentation/fr/notation/spacing.itely:   #{ s1*0^\markup { \typewriter 
#context } #})
Documentation/fr/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/fr/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/fr/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/fr/notation/staff.itely:    s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/fr/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Flute" } }
Documentation/fr/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0_\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Clar." } }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "default" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "altdefault" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "baroque" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "neomensural" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "mensural" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "petrucci" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "harmonic" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "harmonic-black" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "harmonic-mixed" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "diamond" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "cross" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "xcircle" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "triangle" }
Documentation/included/note-head-style.ly:  s1*0^\markup { "slash" }
Documentation/it/notation/pitches.itely:s1*0^\markup { Switch to B\flat 
clarinet }
Documentation/ja/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Small, thicker 
stems, no time signature"
Documentation/ja/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Different"
Documentation/ja/notation/keyboards.itely:    e''2\p\< d''\> s1*0\!
Documentation/ja/notation/pitches.itely:s1*0^\markup { Switch to B\flat 
clarinet }
Documentation/ja/notation/spacing.itely:   #{ s1*0^\markup { \typewriter 
#context } #})
Documentation/ja/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/ja/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/ja/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/ja/notation/staff.itely:    s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/ja/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Flute" } }
Documentation/ja/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0_\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Clar." } }
Documentation/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Small, thicker 
stems, no time signature"
Documentation/notation/changing-defaults.itely:      s1*0^"Different"
Documentation/notation/keyboards.itely:    e''2\p\< d''\> s1*0\!
Documentation/notation/pitches.itely:s1*0^\markup { Switch to B\flat clarinet }
Documentation/notation/spacing.itely:   #{ s1*0^\markup { \typewriter #context 
} #})
Documentation/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/notation/staff.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/notation/staff.itely:    s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" }
Documentation/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0^\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Flute" } }
Documentation/notation/vocal.itely:  s1*0_\markup { \right-align { \tiny 
"Clar." } }
Documentation/po/cs.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/cs.po:msgstr "|·s1*0^\\markup·{·D.S.·al·Coda·}·}"
Documentation/po/cs.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/de.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/de.po:msgstr "|·s1*0^\\markup·{·D.S.·al·Coda·}·}"
Documentation/po/de.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/es.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/es.po:msgstr "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/es.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/es.po:msgstr "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/fr.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/fr.po:msgstr "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/fr.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/fr.po:msgstr "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/hu.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/hu.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/it.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/it.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/ja.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/ja.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/lilypond-doc.pot:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/lilypond-doc.pot:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { 
D.S. \\\"al Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/nl.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/nl.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
Documentation/po/zh.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { D.S. al Coda } }"
Documentation/po/zh.po:msgid "| s1*0^\\markup { \\center-column { D.S. \\\"al 
Coda\\\" } }"
s1*0-\markup { \tiny #name }
Documentation/snippets/multi-measure-rest-markup.ly:  s1*0^\markup { [MAJOR 
Documentation/snippets/multi-measure-rest-markup.ly:  s1*0_\markup { \italic { 
Cue: ... it is yours } }
Documentation/snippets/multi-measure-rest-markup.ly:  s1*0^\markup { A }
s1*0-\markup { \tiny #name }
Documentation/snippets/new/redefining-grace-note-global-defaults.ly:  s1*0(
Documentation/snippets/new/redefining-grace-note-global-defaults.ly:  s1*0)
Documentation/snippets/positioning-segno-and-coda-with-line-break.ly:        % 
| s1*0^\markup { D.S. al Coda } }
Documentation/snippets/positioning-segno-and-coda-with-line-break.ly:        % 
| s1*0^\markup { \center-column { D.S. "al Coda" } }
Documentation/snippets/positioning-segno-and-coda-with-line-break.ly:        | 
s1*0^\markup { \center-column { "D.S. al Coda" \line { \musicglyph 
#"scripts.coda" \musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto" \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"} } }
Documentation/snippets/redefining-grace-note-global-defaults.ly:  s1*0(
Documentation/snippets/redefining-grace-note-global-defaults.ly:  s1*0)

> Might be in an LSR snippet, I guess.

That too, but that's the minority.

> But I've no problem with documenting <>, as long as a realistic
> example showing when it is useful can be found.

See above.

David Kastrup

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