>>     line-width = 18000\cm
>>     ragged-right = ##t
>>     ragged-last-bottom = ##f
> Well, you are creating an unusual line-breaking optimization
> problem.

I'm very talented in finding unusual problems for almost every piece
of software I'm using :-)

> Here you have a case where you force the measures to fill more lines
> than they would need, and "ragged-right" makes all line-breaks
> feasible.  You may have deprived the algorithm of its means to limit
> the number of line-breaking patterns it needs consider.

Lilypond definitely needs to protect against this.  I suggest to
either add an iteration counter somewhere or to estimate the number of
iterations (per line?  per page?  whatever) in advance in case this is
possible.  Then LilyPond could provide one or more configuration
values to limit the number of iterations.


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