On 1/3/12 2:00 PM, "m...@apollinemike.com" <m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:

>On Jan 3, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 09:26:48PM +0100, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
>>>> I slavishly follow the instructions in the "minor release"
>>>> subsection or subsubsection.  Every single devel release is
>>>> created by me copy&pasting from those steps.  If you follow those
>>>> steps as well, you should have exactly the same 2.15.23 release as
>>>> the official one.
>>> I'm afraid that if I did the whole prep release announcement thing,
>>>I'll accidentally push stuff to master that shouldn't be there, no?
>> hmm, yes, good point.  Also, I wouldn't want to have stuff in
>> release/unstable unless it's an actual release.
>> Ok, skip over the git commands, and maybe other stuff if they're
>> not relevant... but the basic idea of "look in the minor releases
>> section to see how to use GUB" is still valid.  :)
>Sorry to pester - I promise to be as autonomous as possible so long as
>GUB starts being as autonomous as possible.
>I got :
>make LILYPOND_BRANCH=release/unstable lilypond
>make -f lilypond.make
>make[1]: Entering directory `/home/mikesol/gub'
>mkdir -p versiondb regtests uploads
>CHECK: regression tests tarball  (i.e. something like
>        lilypond-2.13.4-1.test-output.tar.bz2
>) should be placed in regtests/
>When you have done this, disable this check by doing:
>        touch regtests/ignore
>exit 1
>make[1]: *** [regtests/ignore] Error 1
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mikesol/gub'
>make: *** [lilypond] Error 2
>Any ideas as to why gub hates me so early?

It doesn't just download a regtest file from

and save it in regtests/

Then do touch regtests/ignore

and you're on your way.


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