On 12-01-02 09:15 PM, Carl Sorensen wrote:
Graham Percival<graham<at> percival-music.ca> writes:
On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 08:43:05PM +0000, Carl Sorensen wrote:
I have made one change to the spec files (the location of netpm
on lilypond.org has changed), and I did a couple of manual
downloads, so I'm not sure yet that GUB is ready to build
out-of-the-box. But I have demonstrated that I can get all the
way through it.
Eh? I regularly build GUB out-of-the-box on lilydev [*]. What
exactly do you think you need to do?
Well, I tried building GUB on 11.04, unsuccessfully (I have a file that
kept a record of everything I did, if anybody is interested).
Then I tried on lilydev in a virtual machine, and was also unsuccessful.
I didn't keep a good record of what happened at that time.
So then I tried with a fresh copy of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I was able
to work everything out and get it to build. I will probably try to
summarize the efforts in the miscellaneous part of the CG.
In particular, what's this
netpbm thing?
The source for netpbm on lilypon.org is
The source entry in gub/gub/specs/netpbm.py is
When the download doesn't succeed, no error is thrown. So as long as you
have the file when it comes time to extract it, you can go ahead. But if
the file isn't there, you end up with an error.
I've made a patch that fixes it and will send it to you.
It would be very useful if the build process *did* barf when, and as
soon as, a download fails. It's painful to wait several hours into make
lilypond, only to get a delayed error from a missing file.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
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