Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 01:26:25PM +0100, Francisco Vila wrote:
>> 2011/11/10 Graham Percival <>:
>> >> Before adding "(obviously not enough)" to "I've done my best" I must
>> >> repeat, the commit was tested and the docs compiled. The issue is
>> >> distribution related.  With your help, I'll find a way to fix
>> >> distribution problems without running GUB (I've tried that before; if
>> >> running GUB is mandatory for me, I will think on that nevertheless.)
>> >
>> > Yes.
>> Yes what.
> Yes, you are correct: the issue is distribution related.
>> > - made the translators only "combine" their work with dev/staging
>> "combine" as in $ git combine ?
> sigh.  is there any word that git *doesn't* use?!
> I meant "combine" as in "either merge, or rebase, or merge
> -ff-only, or pull -r, or git gather --sparkly-unicorn-princess, or
> whatever is the best way to get commits from lilypond/translation
> to dev/staging".
> Consult David about what command you should run.

The normal workflow would be to merge _from_ master into translation,
but _into_ staging from translation.

The problem is that so far our success rate for getting merges from
staging into master in a reasonable state has not exactly been fabulous
(in other words, zero).  That's why I would like not to have any
automatic merges except fastforwards.

David Kastrup

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