On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 10:18:08PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> writes:
> > can somebody fix this?  and depending on dak, either push directly
> > to master (which means he has to play yet more games with
> > dev/staging),
> dev/staging is in a reasonably calm state right now and would be easy to
> rebase.  But what's the advantage?

as soon as something is in master, I can move it to
release/unstable and build a release.

if it's pushed to dev/staging, the patch will wait until James
runs patchy.  or I suppose that I could do that again myself; it's
not like I've lost the code.

if it's pushed directly to master, that means that the release can
happen one step sooner.

> > file from VC not distributed:
> > lilypond-2.15.17/Documentation/fr/texidocs/alternative-breve-note.texidocs
> A positive nuisance.  Blocked patches keep piling up in my queue.

yep.  :/
you'd think that they would stop doing this the 5th or 6th time I

- Graham

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