On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 05:34:01PM +0000, Adam Spiers wrote:
> I just invented a Javascript hack which I'm sharing in case there
> isn't a better way; whilst viewing out/test-results/index.html, type
> this into your Chrome / Firebug console:
>   trs = $x("//tr"); for (i in trs) { tr = trs[i]; if
> (tr.innerHTML.indexOf(".profile") != -1) tr.style.display = "none"; }
> Hides all rows which contain the string ".profile" :-)

neat idea.  I wouldn't object to adding a button to the regtest
comparison which enabled/disabled the .profile lines.

Longer-term, all the text output should happen on other pages
anyway, but that'd be a 20-hour (or more!) task.  Adding a "toggle
.profile" button to the page would only take a few minutes for a
html/javasacript-aware person.

- Graham

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