On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Adam Spiers
<lilypond-de...@adamspiers.org> wrote:
> I'm starting to get the hang of regression tests, but my
> build/out/test-results/index.html shows a very large number of entries
> referring to *.profile files.  I assume this is something to do with
> performance, but for once the Contributor's Guide isn't much help;
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/contributor-big-page.html#precompiled-regression-tests
> says:
>    Profile files: give information about TODO? I don’t know what they’re for.
> How do I know whether I should be worrying about these?  And is there
> a way to just see the images?  They are currently buried under
> hundreds of these .profile regressions, so they are a bit hard to
> find.

I just invented a Javascript hack which I'm sharing in case there
isn't a better way; whilst viewing out/test-results/index.html, type
this into your Chrome / Firebug console:

  trs = $x("//tr"); for (i in trs) { tr = trs[i]; if
(tr.innerHTML.indexOf(".profile") != -1) tr.style.display = "none"; }

Hides all rows which contain the string ".profile" :-)

But if there is a less ugly hack I'd love to know about it.

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