Am Friday, 23. September 2011, 23:00:45 schrieb Dave Plater:
> If lilypond is unable to use guile 2.0 it's the only
> hope although my personal opinion is the easiest route is fixing the
> compilation problem. A failed documentation build I can work around by
> using the doc tarball a failed program build I can't. The Gnu Guile web
> page calls 1.8 the legacy series, it's a shame that a shiny new lilypond
> depends on a legacy package.

The problem with guile 2.0 is that it includes many major changes (compiled 
code, new macro handling, new garbage collection, completely new 
string/unicode handling, etc.), which also require major code changes and 
restructuring. Lilypond, however, has not been tested AT ALL with the new 
version yet. Currently, Ian is trying to make lilypond compile and make the 
basics work with guile 2.0.

Guile is not just some additional extension package that lilypond uses, where 
an update should be mostly painless. Lilyond uses Guile at its very core, and 
large parts of lilypond are implemented in guile, so an update to guile 2.0 
means replacing the very core of lilypond.

I don't think you want to play the guinea pig for such a guile 2.0 switch.

That's like switching to a completely untested, unstable kernel version 
shortly before a distribution release.


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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