On 09/23/2011 05:37 PM, Ian Hulin wrote:
Hi Dave,
Lilypond (V2.14) needs to have Guile V1.8.7 minimum and V1.8.8 maximum
to work. We are currently working on migrating to use Guile V2.0 but
it's slow progress owing to the close-knit integration between Lily
and Guile. The migration work will not be available in time for
V2.16, either.
LilyPond Bug-squad, please raise an issue re LilyPond and needing to
specific configuration so that systems integrators such as Dave can
install Guile V2.0 on a machine in parallel with V1.8.6+, and we can
configure LilyPond to install using the Guile V1.8 version, until we
complete the migration.
David, it may be worth asking on the Guile list (guile-u...@gnu.org)
about how to install concurrent versions of guile on your OS.
Ian Hulin
This is a problem as I will have to ask the guile maintainers to request guile 1.8 as a new package and it will have to have all
conflicting files prefixed or suffixed with a 1 or something. On the other hand most of the compilation seems to succeed so I'm sure that
with the right knowledge the package can be patched to build. After my efforts to get lilypond into the main distribution it will be
disappointing to have it dropped due to guile 2. This will most probably be a problem with most major distributions.
What's the chance of a statically linked guile 1.8 with all binaries suffixed with "1" included in the lilypond package, what will I have
to change via patch? If lilypond is unable to use guile 2.0 it's the only hope although my personal opinion is the easiest route is fixing
the compilation problem. A failed documentation build I can work around by using the doc tarball a failed program build I can't.
The Gnu Guile web page calls 1.8 the legacy series, it's a shame that a shiny
new lilypond depends on a legacy package.
Dave Plater
lilypond-devel mailing list