On Sep 23, 2011, at 8:56 AM, Keith OHara wrote: On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 23:11:08 -0700, m...@apollinemike.com < m...@apollinemike.com> wrote: On Sep 23, 2011, at 6:38 AM, Keith OHara wrote:
Phil Holmes <email <at> philholmes.net> writes:
There are 2 significant problems I've found with 2.15.12. The first is
shown in the Les Nereides regtest - a fingering indication goes missing.
Confirming. The missing fingering indication is hidden under a note head
in the other voice. The change from Stem to Flag for 2.15.12 is necessary
to see the problem. I'll try to reduce to a minimal example but it will
take a while; there are lots of interacting overrides in that torture-test.
\relative f { \voiceOne e''8( e e c)-1-2 }
Also compiles fine on current master...weird...
Cheers, MS |
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