On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 01:27:24PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> Patch attached which runs on a standalone website build on my
> system.  I believe this should fix your website build problem.

That patch hard-codes the lilypond-git directory unnecessarily; we
have already defined TOP_SRC_DIR, so why not use
$TOP_SRC_DIR/python ?

> A further comment on the "copy the langdefs" script to safe-scripts.
> If we do that, we'll need to amend website.make again...

oops, I forgot about that.  So actually we don't want to point to
TOP_SRC_DIR/python/ at all, since that's untrusted material.


I can't shake the feeling that we've taken a wrong turn somewhere.
The original motivation behind "avoid hard-coding/duplicating the
list of languages" was to simplify the build process, right?  But
all this "run a python script with an argument to get a list of
languages" stuff seems to be un-simple.  I'm wondering if a
radically different approach would be good.

What about a plain old text file?  If we had a languages.txt (just
like VERSION), we could cat that file in website.make with no
security concerns.  And langdefs.py could read that file with no
problems.  Or... do we need an actual hard-coded list of languages
at all?  What if we just make a list from all two-character
sub-directories of Documentation/ ?  actually, maybe that's a
silly idea; updating a single list of languages in one place isn't
hard, and that could avoid some potential problems if somebody
wanted to make a non-language two-character subdirectory of

... ok, I'm rambling (I have a mild fever), and this isn't helping
to solve the immediate problem.

1. amend the CG page to include langdefs.py in the "trusted
scripts" stuff.  I'll copy that over.
2. set PYTHONPATH to be $TRUSTED_SCRIPTS_DIR (or whatever it's
called) in website.make.

I'm going to set up a git repo for lilypond-web-media -- not on
savannah right now, just on github until the relevant GOP-PROP is
officially passed -- and take an initial gander at setting that up
using the LILYPOND_GIT and LILYPOND_WEB_MEDIA_GIT environment
variables.  Once that's done, it should be possible to vastly
simplify the CG page and maybe even website.make, and then it
should be much easier to actually see all the bits and pieces that
need to go together, and then it should be easier to simplify the
whole thing.

"everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler" -
somebody (maybe Einstien)?

- Graham

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