On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 06:50:15PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival"
> <gra...@percival-music.ca>
> >Does that have to go on the command-lien make-website.sh, or could
> >that go inside website.make ?  I mean, website.make already has a
> >top-src-dir defined...?
> The full make syntax (this is in CG6.2) is:
> make -f ../lilypond-git/make/website.make WEBSITE_ONLY_BUILD=1 \
>  TOP_SRC_DIR=$HOME/lilypond-git/ \
>  PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lilypond-git/python \
>  TEXI2HTML_PROGRAM=texi2html \
>  website
> So - I'm assuming make-website.sh has a command similar to the one
> above (but without PYTHONPATH).

make-website.sh is given on that page.  *That* is the full syntax
that we use to generate the website.

> As you say, an alternative that _should_ work is to define
> PYTHONPATH in website.make.  Would need to test that, though, and
> off rehearsing in about 10 minutes.

I'd rather go that route.  I'll add an issue so we don't forget.

- Graham

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