2011/9/13  <bordage.bertr...@gmail.com>:
> On 2011/09/12 21:35:03, janek wrote:
>> can you tell me what needs work in this patch?  I've read Mike's
> comments, but i
>> don't understand what should be done.
> This patch contains many copy/paste from the arpeggio engraver. We
> obviously need a new grob, since the braces need some special grob
> parameters like font-encoding=fetaBraces. But this doesn't necessarily
> require to add an engraver that would be a copy/paste from
> arpeggio-engraver.
> My other wish is to add text to braces, so that it can be used for
> annotations.
> I am close to a good solution, but still need some time to finish it.
> I hope this will be finished in a few weeks.

Ok.  If you'd like me to help you, let me know.


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