On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 05:13:29PM -0600, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> IMO, we should be aiming at one commit per Rietveld issue, rather than a
> series of commits per Rietveld issue.

That's beside the point, at least as far as I understand it.

- Bertrand writes some code.
- Bertrand makes a git commit.  That commit has a nice message, it
  has his name, etc.
- Bertrand gets this patch onto Rietveld using git-cl.
- review happens, it's accepted.
- Graham wants to push this patch.
- Whoops, there's no way to get the commit back from Rietveld!
  All I get is a raw diff.  The author and commit message is lost! 
- suckiness and lack of profit.

ok, I could manually
  patch -p1 < issue-1234.diff
to my git tree, then do
  git commit --author ""
and then type in a commit message.

But that's silly and stupid.  Bertrand's git tree has a beautiful
commit.  Why can't I get that commit when I want to push it?  Why
does Rietveld and/or git-cl throw away that nice metadata?

- Graham

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