On 26 June 2011 13:02, Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com> wrote:

> Hmm, again the problem is that the parts after a line break of broken dynamic
> spanners (text / hairpin) do not have any parent set any more... Now, the
> function write-system-signature (subfunction found-grob, stencil.scm) calls
> ly:grob-extent, which checks for the common refpoint of the spanner and its
> parent (which is 0)...

I think you're misreading this.  The common refpoint is a System; it
doesn't have a parent since it's the top-level grob.  The problem is
that the broken spanner is expecting a different System.

> So, I more and more get the impression that the approach of simply killing the
> line spanner and letting its child dynamic spanners live on is the wrong
> approach to \breakDynamicSpan and spanner's style=#'none...

Yep, it definitely appears to be too naive.


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