On 5/23/11 2:53 PM, "Keith OHara" <k-ohara5...@oco.net> wrote:

> mike <at> apollinemike.com <mike <at> apollinemike.com> writes:
>> Just a question - are we comfortable making a release even though issue 1648
> isn't resolved?

An development release, not a stable release.

We make new releases periodically.  If there are no Critical issues, then
the development release is a stable release candidate.

> I think it would be fine to leave issue 1648 open for version 2.13.62.  I am
> rather expecting someone to argue that issue 1648 is not critical, because the
> work-around to restore 2.12.3 behavior is so easy.
> Another technical MIDI regression just came up today, and it is not fixed in
> git.
> On the the main point of the thread, though, I believe 2.13.61 was built from
> stable/2.14 and that all the releases leading up to 2.14 will be built from
> there.  Correct?

Yes, that's correct.



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