2011/4/4 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
> Ah.  Well, unfortunately we (as a developer community) do not tend
> to review patches very often.
> Think about it this way: how many times have you reviewed my build
> system patches, or Colin's documentation patches?  The same
> reasons why you don't review those patches apply to people looking
> at your patches.

Perhaps... However seasoned developers can understand my patches while
i (mostly) cannot understand their patches, so i quite cannot review

> I have some plans to improve this, but like all our "social
> problems", I'm waiting until 2.14 is out first.


2011/4/5 <percival.music...@gmail.com>
> The latest patch dies badly when trying to compile flags-in-scheme.ly
> programming error: ignoring weird minimum distance
> continuing, cross fingers
> ... repeated tons and tons of times...
> Try compiling input/regression/flags-in-scheme.ly yourself.

Yes, i see it too.
I tried to fix it by proper implementation of "normal" as the default
flag-style. However, i failed (perhaps because i don't understand
scheme). I attach my attempt - it doesn't work at all and i don't know
May i ask for some help with this?
Did i at least found all files that need changes?

As a last resort, i can drop using "normal" prefix for default flags,
but this would mean less elegant and flexible code.

From 842b0a4136eaaeb797eb1df512357702817ab320 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Janek=20Warcho=C5=82?= <lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 10:20:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] trying to implement "normal" flag-style as default

unfortunately my try doesn't work....
 lily/stem.cc                   |   15 ++++-----
 mf/feta-flags.mf               |   60 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 scm/define-grob-properties.scm |    2 +-
 scm/define-markup-commands.scm |    2 +-
 scm/flag-styles.scm            |    4 +-
 5 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/stem.cc b/lily/stem.cc
index 2afff44..6095d96 100644
--- a/lily/stem.cc
+++ b/lily/stem.cc
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ Stem::calc_flag (SCM smob)
      are two completely different things. Here we deal only with the latter, 
      don't let naming confuse you.
-  if (flag_style == "")
+  if (flag_style == "normal")
       /* Janek:
 	 TODO: make this apply to stems with lengths overriden by user.
@@ -712,21 +712,21 @@ Stem::calc_flag (SCM smob)
               for (SCM l = foo; scm_is_pair (l); l = scm_cdr (l))
                   string glyph_name = ly_scm2string (scm_car (l));
-                  if (glyph_name.find ("flags.standard") == 0)
+                  if (glyph_name.find ("flags.normal") == 0)
                     /* examine available standard flags glyphs */
                       /* extract glyph direction from its name (0=up, 1=down).
-                         "flags.standard" accounts for first 14 characters
-                         of flag glyph name, do 15th char is its direction: */
-                      int glyph_dir = (glyph_name.substr(14,1) == "d") ? 1 : 0;
+                         "flags.normal" accounts for first 12 characters
+                         of flag glyph name, do 13th char is its direction: */
+                      int glyph_dir = (glyph_name.substr(12,1) == "d") ? 1 : 0;
                       /* extract duration log and convert it to int: */
-                      int glyph_durlog = ::atoi(glyph_name.substr(15,1).c_str());
+                      int glyph_durlog = ::atoi(glyph_name.substr(13,1).c_str());
                       /* for what stem length is this glyph designed?
                          (extract a string and convert it into a float): */
                       Real length
-                        = ::atof(glyph_name.substr(17,string::npos).c_str());
+                        = ::atof(glyph_name.substr(15,string::npos).c_str());
                       // add this info to flag_lengths 
                       flag_lengths[glyph_dir][glyph_durlog - 3].push_back (length);
@@ -765,7 +765,6 @@ Stem::calc_flag (SCM smob)
                flag_lengths [(dir=='d')?1:0][log-3][flag_variant_number]);
                // TODO: how should we name "standard" flag style? 
                // encode it properly.
-      flag_style = "standard";
     sprintf (length_variant, "");
diff --git a/mf/feta-flags.mf b/mf/feta-flags.mf
index 78c56bc..a745bfd 100644
--- a/mf/feta-flags.mf
+++ b/mf/feta-flags.mf
@@ -500,86 +500,86 @@ enddef;
 % (not required by default engine, but they may become useful for someone)
-fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (up) 3.50", "standardu3_3.50");
+fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (up) 3.50", "normalu3_3.50");
 	upstemsingleflag (0.0);
-fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (up) 3.00", "standardu3_3.00");
-	upstemsingleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (up) 3.00", "normalu3_3.00");
+	upstemsingleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (up) 3.50", "standardu4_3.50");
+fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (up) 3.50", "normalu4_3.50");
 	upstemdoubleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (up) 3.00", "standardu4_3.00");
-	upstemdoubleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (up) 3.00", "normalu4_3.00");
+	upstemdoubleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (up) 4.25", "standardu5_4.25");
+fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (up) 4.25", "normalu5_4.25");
 	upstemtripleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (up) 3.75", "standardu5_3.75");
-	upstemtripleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (up) 3.75", "normalu5_3.75");
+	upstemtripleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (up) 5.00", "standardu6_5.00");
+fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (up) 5.00", "normalu6_5.00");
 	upstemquadrupleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (up) 4.50", "standardu6_4.50");
-	upstemquadrupleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (up) 4.50", "normalu6_4.50");
+	upstemquadrupleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (up) 6.00", "standardu7_6.00");
+fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (up) 6.00", "normalu7_6.00");
 	upstemquintupleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (up) 5.50", "standardu7_5.50");
-	upstemquintupleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (up) 5.50", "normalu7_5.50");
+	upstemquintupleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (down) 3.50", "standardd3_3.50");
+fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (down) 3.50", "normald3_3.50");
 	downstemsingleflag (0.0);
-fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (down) 3.00", "standardd3_3.00");
-	downstemsingleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (down) 3.00", "normald3_3.00");
+	downstemsingleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (down) 3.50", "standardd4_3.50");
+fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (down) 3.50", "normald4_3.50");
 	downstemdoubleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (down) 3.00", "standardd4_3.00");
-	downstemdoubleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (down) 3.00", "normald4_3.00");
+	downstemdoubleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (down) 4.25", "standardd5_4.25");
+fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (down) 4.25", "normald5_4.25");
 	downstemtripleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (down) 3.75", "standardd5_3.75");
-	downstemtripleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("32nd Flag (down) 3.75", "normald5_3.75");
+	downstemtripleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (down) 5.00", "standardd6_5.00");
+fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (down) 5.00", "normald6_5.00");
 	downstemquadrupleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (down) 4.50", "standardd6_4.50");
-	downstemquadrupleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("64th Flag (down) 4.50", "normald6_4.50");
+	downstemquadrupleflag (0.3);
-fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (down) 6.00", "standardd7_6.00");
+fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (down) 6.00", "normald7_6.00");
 	downstemquintupleflag (0);
-fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (down) 5.50", "standardd7_5.50");
-	downstemquintupleflag (0.5);
+fet_beginchar ("128th Flag (down) 5.50", "normald7_5.50");
+	downstemquintupleflag (0.3);
diff --git a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
index 62d7cf0..1806fa2 100644
--- a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
+++ b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ flag.  By providing your own function, you can create arbitrary
      (flag-count ,number? "The number of tremolo beams.")
      (flag-style ,symbol? "A symbol determining what style of flag
-glyph is typeset on a @code{Stem}.  Valid options include @code{'()}
+glyph is typeset on a @code{Stem}.  Valid options include @code{'normal}
 for standard flags, @code{'mensural} and @code{'no-flag}, which
 switches off the flag.")
      (font-encoding ,symbol? "The font encoding is the broadest
diff --git a/scm/define-markup-commands.scm b/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
index 5de7fdc..5459343 100644
--- a/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
+++ b/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
@@ -2976,7 +2976,7 @@ Construct a note symbol, with stem.  By using fractional values for
          (flaggl (and (> log 2)
                        (ly:font-get-glyph font
-					  (string-append "flags."
+					  (string-append "flags.normal"
 							 (if (> dir 0) "u" "d")
 							 (number->string log)))
                        (cons (+ (car attach-off) (if (< dir 0)
diff --git a/scm/flag-styles.scm b/scm/flag-styles.scm
index 9e1a268..f643648 100644
--- a/scm/flag-styles.scm
+++ b/scm/flag-styles.scm
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ stencil."
 (define-public (normal-flag stem-grob)
   "Create a default flag."
-  (create-glyph-flag "" "" stem-grob))
+  (create-glyph-flag "normal" "" stem-grob))
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ at will.  The correct way to do this is:
                          (symbol->string flag-style-symbol)
-        ((equal? flag-style "") (normal-flag stem-grob))
+        ((equal? flag-style "normal") (normal-flag stem-grob))
         ((equal? flag-style "mensural") (mensural-flag stem-grob))
         ((equal? flag-style "no-flag") (no-flag stem-grob))
         (else ((glyph-flag flag-style) stem-grob)))))

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