On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 01:32:39 -0800, Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jan...@gnu.org> wrote:

Neil Puttock schreef op do 10-03-2011 om 21:41 [+0000]:

both voices will still be allocated the same channel

Why would that be a problem?  They're in different tracks.

Are you saying that the instrument of channel 0 of track 1 is
somehow linked to the instrument of channel 0 of track 2?

Yes. The player should remember the instrument assigned to each channel, 
regardless of which track set the instrument.  The physical model is a midi 
cable, where the receiver sees only the messages, not the track structure.

Tracks and Channels are orthogonal organizations.
Tracks organize the file; channels distinguish data streams down the (real or 
virtual) cable.

The structure that *can* contain several channels is a Port, separate Ports 
corresponding to separate cables in the hardware.  One can optionally specify a 
different Port for each Track (making Tracks and Channels no longer purely 
but I have no reason to expect a software midi player to support multiple ports.

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