On 11/29/10 12:33 AM, "Graham Percival" <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:

> What do you think?  This is not a vote, but I would like to hear
> from people.  I am hoping that we can find a reasonable amount of
> consensus.

What about option 0 -- try to coordinate the resources we currently have
available on the critical issues?

I'm not sure if this is feasible or not, but I regularly check the critical
issues to see if I can help resolve them.  Here's a rundown of my typical

"Hmm, let me go look at the critical issues.....

1252 -- music overflows page.  It's a spacing issue, and Joe is working on
it.  Joe knows all about the spacing, so it makes sense to leave it to him.

1290 -- Skyline compaction goes overboard.  It's a spacing issue.  It's had
some good work on it to help identify the specific issue, and Joe has raised
a possible solution, but not the code for it.  I guess leaving it to Joe is
the right thing.

1336 -- Graham has identified the pointer that causes the segfault.  Neil
has identified the reason the pointer is null.  Since Neil understands the
internals better than anybody else, as far as I can tell, I'd guess there
will be a fix coming soon from Neil.

1427 -- Neil is actively working on this one, and appears to be close.  A
patch is posted, but AFAICS, on hold due to something that should work but
doesn't.  Again, Neil seems to be on it.

1428 -- Split off of 1427, it's the problem that is holding up the regtest
for 1427.  Neil's on it.

1363 -- Build system.  It's so icky that it should be handled only by
experts.  We have two, John and Graham.  They're working on it.

So we've got 6 critical issues.  All of the issues are being worked on by
those who are experts in the area.  I'm not an expert in any of those areas;
it would take me a long time to get up to speed in any of them.  How can I
help?  I don't see any way.  So I'll go work on some new features such as
tablature stuff requested by users....."

Is there any way that I could be used to help out the situation?  For
example, can Joe point me in the direction of where I could look to try a
solution for 1290 (more specific than the current comment, e.g. "look at
lines xxx to yyy of file lily/frobozz.cc"  or "look at moving the padding
addition from Staff_engraver::handle_widgets to

Or is there something else that Joe or Neil is working on that I can take
over, so they have more time available for the critical issues?

Right now, for this specific set of critical issues, it appears to me that
those who have the knowledge and skills to solve the issues is working on
them.  Anybody else would need to climb a big hill to get ready to solve

If any of you can think of a way I can be of use in resolving these issues.
please let me know.



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