> > Additionally, we want two spaces after a full stop in the source
> > documentation files.
> Ah, well, lemme see what I can do.

:-) We have a style guide; say `info lilypond-contributor' (I just
see that there isn't a proper menu entry for it in the `dir' file) and
go to the `Text formatting' node.

> However, let's clarify a couple of points first:
> - Do you prefer 'e.g.' over 'eg.' and 'i.e.' over 'ie.', and what
>   about 'with respect to' over 'wrt.' or 'w.r.t.' or 'wrt'?  FWIW, I
>   prefer the first alternative in each case, but can adjust as
>   requested.

Always the first alternative.

> - Do you prefer or require (or even dislike) comma rather than space
>   after 'e.g.' or 'i.e.'?  Different style manuals have varying opinion
>   on this subject, and some people only add comma in some situations.

Normally, we use a comma.  I think this is lacking in our style guide,


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