On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 01:34:23PM -0600, Colin Campbell wrote:
> On 10-07-25 12:45 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
>> I'm a bit suspicious about commit
>> 4578dfbfdab5704ffc5317adfb252cb242f30115
>> 1. AFAIK, we definitely want people creating or modifying
>> ~/.vim/filetype.vim
> I installed Vim and set up the vim mode, using the available  
> instructions.  During the checking, I found that, at least on my Ubuntu,  
> neither filetypes.vim nor .vimrc existed in $HOME.

Yes, but the user should create it.  I now suspect that this was
the crucial bit of information that was missing in the old info.

>> 2. Unless somebody has manually created a ~/.vim/filetype.vim,
>> they need to create a new file with the lines which were removed
>> in the commit.
> If I understand the vim help files, and the original poster, that would  
> prevent the rest of the system filetype.vim from being seen, as vim sees  
> the first instance on the $PATH.  I suspect, subject to confirmation,  
> that the preferred technique would be to make a local  copy of  
> /usr/share/vim/vim72/filetype.vim in ~/.vim/filetype.vim and then apply  
> any changes to the copy.

I really doubt that is the case -- the whole point of ~/.vim is
to let users make their own specific overrides to the system-wide
config.  And my own use of vim has syntax highlighting for files
not mentioned in ~/.vim/filetype.vim

- Graham

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