Le 20/06/2010 20:10, Reinhold Kainhofer disait :

Am Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010, um 11:00:33 schrieb Jean-Charles Malahieude:

On a fresh build, I notice that all snippets in the docs are no longer
translated. It unfortunately seems to happen not just with me... and I
don't know when this has appeared.
As a matter of fact, all "translated headers" are present in
Documentation/snippets; so, what's up doc?

It might have to do with my lilypond-book factoring. I tried some sample
files, and in those the texidoc(de|es|...) and texiheader(de|es|...) were
properly used. However, I have also sometimes seen the doc build not using

OK, I've narrowed the problem to commit 7fab868fc...
(Lilypond-book: fix QUOTE output) and its parent.

With commit 4da9fc65c...
(Lilypond-book: Convert input filename to absolute path, since we change cwd) I get inline translation of identifiers and comments, as well as for snippets from Documentation/snippets. As soon as I apply d4a36739f... which fails to a successful build, there no longer is translation for snippets.

I'm not able to go fruther, but hope this might help.


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