Le 20/06/2010 20:10, Reinhold Kainhofer disait :

Am Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010, um 11:00:33 schrieb Jean-Charles Malahieude:

On a fresh build, I notice that all snippets in the docs are no longer
translated. It unfortunately seems to happen not just with me... and I
don't know when this has appeared.
As a matter of fact, all "translated headers" are present in
Documentation/snippets; so, what's up doc?

It might have to do with my lilypond-book factoring. I tried some sample
files, and in those the texidoc(de|es|...) and texiheader(de|es|...) were
properly used. However, I have also sometimes seen the doc build not using

What is strange is that what used to be showed in inline snippets thanks to the po file now appears in English. I'll try some rollbacks tomorrow evening and let you know if I get the naughty commit.


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