On 11 June 2010 14:36, Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What do you mean by "Unfortunately 'after-line-breaking is now spoken
> for"?  Actually I couldn't catch the meaning of "spoken for"?
> Could you give another explanation for non-native English speakers?  ;)

It means "reserved" or "engaged (to be married)"; I meant it in the
former sense, since RehearsalMark has a default setting for
'after-line-breaking which can't be overridden without causing
possible breakage (hence my suggestion to call
shift-right-at-line-begin using a custom callback which will call the
default after doing its work.)

> Well, that explains me the "when", not the "why"...
> But anyway, I'm quite sure I would have understood it.  :p

Purely conjecture on my part, but IIRC, rehearsal marks used to
collide with clefs at the start of a system.  Once this was fixed, it
probably wasn't considered as important to shift the symbol to the

> Should I ask the Bug Squad members to add 2 new issues on the tracker?
>  1. for this RehearsalMark placement issue at beginning of line ;


>  2. to create a separate grobs for clefs and clef changes so they
>     could have different space-alist defaults.

No. :)

If somebody wants to fix this issue properly, it's best to leave it to
their judgment as to how it should be implemented.


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