2010/6/8 Neil Puttock <n.putt...@gmail.com>: > Oops, I'd forgotten how this should be used; it doesn't return a > useful value (since it uses ly:grob-translate-axis! to perform the > shift), so should only be used with 'after-line-breaking. > Unfortunately, 'after-line-breaking is now spoken for, so you'll have > to override the default like this: > > \override Score.RehearsalMark #'after-line-breaking = > #(lambda (grob) > ;; apply shift > (shift-right-at-line-begin grob) > ;; call default callback > (ly:side-position-interface::move-to-extremal-staff grob))
Thanks for this workaround, it works really great! (even better than the 'X-offset). What do you mean by "Unfortunately 'after-line-breaking is now spoken for"? Actually I couldn't catch the meaning of "spoken for"? Could you give another explanation for non-native English speakers? ;) And sorry but I come again with my previous question: Can't it be the default settings? :) > It used to be, but was removed many moons ago. :) > > http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=commit;h=207c3df3b77d5ec25d7db3bbc6ba830d12ee9f85 Well, that explains me the "when", not the "why"... But anyway, I'm quite sure I would have understood it. :p > This is probably the easiest way around the problem, since it would > be simple to create a separate grobs for clefs and clef changes so > they could have different space-alist defaults. Actually that doesn't seems necessary with your second workaround. But that should be fine for my second \score (with the repeat without KeySignature), what do you think? Should I ask the Bug Squad members to add 2 new issues on the tracker? 1. for this RehearsalMark placement issue at beginning of line ; 2. to create a separate grobs for clefs and clef changes so they could have different space-alist defaults. Thank you, Xavier -- Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel