On 6/2/10 3:35 PM, "Frédéric Bron" <frederic.b...@m4x.org> wrote:
> If someone can help me on this, it would be nice.
> Regards, Frédéric
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Comment #3 on issue 1029 by frederic...@m4x.org: \thumb should behave
> like other fingerings
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1029
> So I would like to sum up all comments because I am lost on what to change:
> Mats suggests this:
> - (avoid-slur . inside)
> - (padding . 0.20)
> + (avoid-slur . around)
> + (padding . 0.50)
> Mark asks if we should add others properties from Fingering but
> received no answer:
> (cross-staff . ,ly:side-position-interface::calc-cross-staff)
> (font-encoding . fetaText)
> (font-size . -5) ; don't overlap when next to heads.
> (positioning-done . ,ly:script-interface::calc-positioning-done)
> (script-priority . 100)
> (self-alignment-X . ,CENTER)
> (self-alignment-Y . ,CENTER)
> (slur-padding . 0.2)
> (staff-padding . 0.5)
> (stencil . ,ly:text-interface::print)
> (text . ,fingering::calc-text)
> (meta . ((class . Item)
> (interfaces . (finger-interface
> font-interface
> self-alignment-interface
> side-position-interface
> text-interface
> text-script-interface))))))
> Can somebody tell me about that?
I think the answer to the other items is no.
thumb is a Script grob, not its own grob. Fingering is its own grob. So I
think you can't add all of the grob properties to the script alist. All
those other properties are set in the definition of the Script grob, in
If we want to have \thumb become a Fingering instead of a Script, then we
should change it in the parser to be handled by the New_fingering_engraver.
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