Valentin Villenave <> writes:

> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Graham Percival
> <> wrote:
>> We have 10 issues with patches attached; 3 of them fixing Critical
>> issues.  Some people might view this as a positive thing -- hey, we
>> have people sending fixes! -- but I'm counting this as "ugly" because
>> it means that we're not supporting each other enough.  I'd like to
>> see a more effort put towards reviewing and finishing patches.
> This is one of the few areas left where we still rely upon Han-Wen a
> lot, and do not (AFAICS) a properly-organized team as we (kinda) have
> wrt bugs, frogs, docs etc. The deal with David's recent patches show
> that IMHO: although nobody really objected with merging his patches
> (and although diplomacy is certainly not his strongest point),

Looks like there is a job opening for patch diplomat.  No, I won't

> nobody really felt that actually committing the patches was their job.

The problem is that committing a patch suggests some basic
responsibility.  If a patch is not within the comfort zone of
prospective committers, it tends to rot.

> Which brings up the question of the tools we use:
> - Rietveld doesn't allow to keep track of lilypond-related patches,[1]
> - [Patch]-marked mails on -devel don't work,

How comes?

> - "Patch"-tagged issued on the tracker don't seem to work either...
> It has been suggested in the past (by you) that we could use another
> mailing list, either specifically for patches-reviewing, or on the
> contrary for all non-patch-related discussions that usually clutter
> the -devel list.

I think that the developer list is for development, and that includes

I also think that "Signed-off-by" tends to work somewhat more formally
than "LGTM" does.

> I've been reading (actually, discovering) the CG over the past few
> weeks, and I have to say it seems quite complete and up-to-date to me.

It does not help with explaining the internals of Lilypond all too much,
but then nothing does right now.

> On a personal note, I'm sorry for not having been more available this
> year. I can't wait to work on LilyPond again!

In a healthy project, contributors come and go.  If you instead only see
the same faces leaving and returning, something is amiss that makes
starting to contribute hard.

David Kastrup

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