Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> 1. I also disagree with David's statement/opinion that "chords are
> much more common than tremolos". This is certainly true in the pop
> (e.g., music theatre) scores I compose/arrange/engrave, but absolutely
> false in the classical scores I compose/arrange/engrave. Since I do
> roughly equal amounts of work in each "world", I conclude that, in my
> life at least, chords and tremolos are equally common.  :-p
> 2. I'm sure we could find a way to change the [very useful] tremolo
> syntax into another equally simple form -- i.e., not overloading the
> colon symbol -- and thus be able to implement David's suggestion (or
> equivalent/improvement) for chordmode, if it's useful. For example,
> tremolo notation could be c...@8 or something similar.
>> So please, don't change current tremolo easiness.
> +1

Actually, I find that a rather encouraging statement.  I'd have expected
"don't change current tremolo syntax".  c...@8 has some mnemonic value
("play a quarter at eighths", oops sounds like a time).  But I don't
like its look.  Would you consider c4/8 an adequate syntax?

David Kastrup

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