On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 08:48:45PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Il giorno mer, 31/03/2010 alle 19.31 +0100, Graham Percival ha scritto: 
> > On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 02:19:32PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> > > You mean scripts/build.  Yay, yet another place for translating
> > > strings :-P
> > 
> > Not my problem.
> You mean you don't care about maintainability for these scripts,


> which may survive a build system switch? 

I doubt that.  Before (or during) a build system switch, pretty
much everything I did about the website in the past few months
should be scrapped.

> > I have no desires for or against that.  However, if you more stuff
> > into python/ then you'll need to update website.make to declare
> I was thinking of PYTHONPATH, I'll choose most appropriate.

Err, yeah, whatever.  I don't know what I'm talking about.

> > Don't the partly-translated texinfo files contain English at the
> > beginning?
> No, I trim out every bit of copied English docs I notice in the
> translations (I don't do it systematically, though), but for offline
> target the output files that are "empty" (i.e. marked as "UNTRANSLATED")
> in translations are replaced by copies of the output files in English.
> This functionality should be copied from www_post:postprocess_html to
> web_post if not already done.

Umm, yeah.  You could either do that, or just stop trimming the
English text from the website translations.  I think the latter is
less work.

> >   If so, it's no problem: community.de.html (for
> > example) would contain only English text, but that's not a
> > problem.  No, the extra bandwidth in uploading idential
> > community.en.html and community.de.html is /not/ an issue.
> Agreed (modulo the file copying problem), so unless I discover problems
> with this I will conserve the disabling of the auto-language selection
> for pages other than the home page (which the current system amounts
> to).  It is an issue for the manuals, though.

The manuals are not created by website.make or website_post.py, so
nothing has changed there.

- Graham

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