On 2010-01-02, James Bailey wrote:
> On 02.01.2010, at 00:20, Graham Percival wrote:
> >On Fri, Jan 01, 2010 at 03:27:48PM +0100, James Bailey wrote:
> >>The regression tests for input/regression/tuplet-text*.ly have a
> >>version
> >>statement of 2.12.3, although they don't compile with 2.12.3,
> >>and these
> >>tests were not included in 2.12.3.
> >
> >Good catch!  Could you go to the web interface for git (google for
> >"lilypond git web"), find that file in the tree, and then click
> >"history" (it's an option near the top of the page) ?  Once you
> >have the date, you can compare it with the release tags to find
> >out when it was actually added.
> I didn't find a history option, but I did find a log option, and it
> has 2009/03/07 for all of them.

These were added between 2.13.0 and 2.13.1, so 2.13.1 would be the
correct version number.  Do you want to write a patch to fix this?


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