On 02.01.2010, at 00:20, Graham Percival wrote:

On Fri, Jan 01, 2010 at 03:27:48PM +0100, James Bailey wrote:
The regression tests for input/regression/tuplet-text*.ly have a version statement of 2.12.3, although they don't compile with 2.12.3, and these
tests were not included in 2.12.3.

Good catch!  Could you go to the web interface for git (google for
"lilypond git web"), find that file in the tree, and then click
"history" (it's an option near the top of the page) ?  Once you
have the date, you can compare it with the release tags to find
out when it was actually added.

- Graham
I didn't find a history option, but I did find a log option, and it has 2009/03/07 for all of them.

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