Graham Percival <graham <at>> writes:

> Long ago, ...we had Documentation/topdocs/AUTHORS.texi,
> ... we added a THANKS...everybody stopped updating AUTHORS...I'm not
> even certain if the THANKS is maintained.
> As part of the new website...
>     Documentation/general/basic-authors.itexi
> which is included in general (.html, .pdf, .info) and will also be
> built as a top-level .txt file.
> I want to junk THANKS, and migrate the old AUTHORS into the new
> list.  We then have a single place to maintain.
> - any volunteers to move the old AUTHORS into the new authors
>   list, in particular checking urls, email addresses, and checking
>   if people who listed email addresses want to keep them publicly
>   visible?
> - any volunteers to find anything in the various THANKS files
>   throughout the ages and add anything relevant to the new
>   authors list?
> - I just realized that we might want to keep a list of "current
>   contributors" distinct from contributors in general (in order
>   to generate a THANKS if desired), so we'll need a few changes
>   to basic-authors.itexi and community.itexi.
> Please note that this has nothing to do with the copyright debate.
> There only issues here are morally giving credit where it is due,
> and good information presentation.
> Cheers,
> - Graham

Mr Percival, I found this thread while searching around 
for something that I could possibly help with to 
contribute to the lily 'community'.

and saw that no one had replied to it, 
so I assume this task is still open?

I have no programming background, 
and while I keep seeing in some threads that this is not a 
requirement, it does seem that some 
kind of knowledge of the tools that you use to build the software 
is needed nonetheless.

However this task seems to me to be a 
'search through text files and update information, check 
links and collate it all together again 
from a number of different places' which doesn't seem too 
complicated. So I am happy to volunteer 
to help with this if I can or if you have any other 
collating/sorting of information that doesn't 
involve writing snippets (i'm ok at writing my own .ly files 
but not yet what I would call a 'power user') 
or giving instruction for the user manuals as again, I am 
not confident that I know enough (yet) to 
articulate something accurately and concisely for help files.

Anyway, the offer is there let me know 
if and how I can help with this specific request.

I have installed the Lilybunto OS onto a 
VM and seem to have managed to follow instructions to 
compile (I didn't see any errors) and 
I can see a THANKS file but not an Authors, anyway..let me know.



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