On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:07:26AM +0000, Werner wrote:
> > Are you checking the dimensions with
> > 
> >   \paper { annotate-spacing = ##t }
> > 
> > or by printing out a page and measuring manually?
> I measured manually. But this is an interesting feature.
> I put:
> \paper { annotate-spacing = ##t 
>       #(set-paper-size "a4")
>       top-margin = 0.85\cm
>       bottom-margin = .5\cm
>       left-margin = .55\cm
> %     right-margin = .55\cm 
> % 20,9cm - right-margin - left-margin
>               line-width = 19.8\cm
>       ragged-last-bottom = ##t
> }
> I got: (unfortunately I have to divide with 0,69 to get mm)
> 5.86 top margin
> 2.76 head-separation (should be between the top-most music system and the page
> header. Default: 4\mm. (NR) But appears between top-margin and Title.) 


With those paper settings, I get

  4.84 top-margin

Since those measurements are in staff-spaces, the conversion to
millimeters is as follows:

  4.84 * 5 * 25.4 / 72.27 = 8.5mm = 0.85cm


Thanks for pointing out the bug in the Notation Reference.

But I can't use that exact description, because if you do not *have* a
title, head-separation will behave differently.  In this case, it
appears to be the distance between the top-margin and the spot where a
title *would* appear if it existed.

However, I think I will hold off on modifying the description, because
there some large spacing changes (from Joe) will be committed soon,
and I'm not sure if "head-separation" will be affected or not.


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