> Are you checking the dimensions with
>   \paper { annotate-spacing = ##t }
> or by printing out a page and measuring manually?

I measured manually. But this is an interesting feature.
I put:
\paper { annotate-spacing = ##t 
        #(set-paper-size "a4")
        top-margin = 0.85\cm
        bottom-margin = .5\cm
        left-margin = .55\cm
%       right-margin = .55\cm 
% 20,9cm - right-margin - left-margin
                line-width = 19.8\cm
        ragged-last-bottom = ##t

I got: (unfortunately I have to divide with 0,69 to get mm)
5.86 top margin
2.76 head-separation (should be between the top-most music system and the page
header. Default: 4\mm. (NR) But appears between top-margin and Title.) 


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