Op donderdag 25-06-2009 om 16:43 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Graham

> I'm still not convinced that messages like
> ----
> cat:
> downloads/lilypond/git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git//refs/heads/git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git/master:
> No such file or directory
> ----
> are worth keeping; surely the dir in the relevant python file just
> didn't get updated when the overall dir structure in GUB changed.

Sure, I was talking about *previous* incarnations of GUB ignoring
many *errors* even.  I'm not sure where this error/warning comes
from, but there must be an explicit allow/ignore_errors present
for this to pass; if you see what I mean.

> Anyway, you're right that it's not a priority at the moment, but
> after 2.14 I'm going to spend more time looking at this.


>   And I
> must admit that the GUB part seems to be working fine at the
> moment
> The problem now is still the bloody upload thing.  I have a 195K
> log of the attempt; there's oodles of
> ----
> rsync: failed to set times on "/var/www/lilypond/doc/v2.13/.":
> Operation not permitted (1)

Yeah.  It seems this is hairier than I thought, see


rsync-3.0.4/5 on debian systems is still complaining, unless
configured to ignore lutimes expliticly (on server):

    ac_cv_func_lutimes=no ./configure --prefix=$HOME/pkg/rsync 

[there's a ~janneke/bin/rsync which has this]

> messages, followed by
> ----
> rsync: failed to set times on
> "/var/www/lilypond/doc/v2.13/input/tutorial": Operation not
> permitted (1)

This can be resolved by adding --omit-dir-times, eg

   rsyng -avz --omit-dir-times

> rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at
> main.c(1058) [sender=3.0.3]

so this is probably the error.  Have a look in the log which
files this is about.

Now, testing a bit more, I found that it is necessary for all
local files to have the right [owner:]group too, ie, doing

   chown -R --no-dereference :lilypond ROOT

otherwise you'll get messages like

    rsync: chgrp "/var/www/lilypond/ftp" failed: Operation not permitted

I'm not sure if we do that.  Also, this requires a lilypond group
and being member of that.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
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