Hi devs!

The two MetronomeMark behaviours I would like to fix (or $pon$or for fixing) are:

1. The break-alignment situation (q.v., <http://code.google.com/p/ lilypond/issues/detail?id=684&can=1&q=metronomemark>).

Any recent movement/news on this issue?
Can this be fixed in Scheme or only C++?

2. The fact that MetronomeMarks collide painfully when extracted parts have multi-measure rests, e.g.

\version "2.12.2"
\layout { \context { \Score skipBars = ##t } }
mmProblem = \relative
  \tempo \markup { "My first tempo marking" } R1*5
  \tempo \markup { "My second tempo marking" } R1*3
  \tempo \markup { "My third tempo marking" } R1*3
\score { \mmProblem }

Can anyone see a way to indicate that "this MetronomeMark has a minimum measure length of X", so the collisions seen in my example would not happen?


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